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Chatbots and Conversational UI


I am deeply excited about the developments that have been made to the Chatbot and Conversational UI ecosystem over the past two years. Facebook Messenger, Skype, Twitter, Alexa, Google Assistant - consumers are having automated chat experiences with brands across a number of different platforms. And it's happening at scale. The future is Chatbots!

Over the past few years, I have built, implemented and led strategy for chatbots and voice skills for some of the most recognizable brands in the world. These experiences delight consumers while driving tangible and measurable ROI.

Take a look at some of my favorite executions that I have worked on below and please reach out if you'd like to geek out with me about chatbots!


Hotel search, inspirational travel content, location based activities, brand announcements - all driven by robust NLP. I worked closely with the Marriott Rewards team to create and iterate the experience that sets the standard for what a hospitality chatbot should be.

Available on: 


Click here to chat with Marriott Rewards on Facebook Messenger.

Click here to chat with Marriott Rewards on Slack.


The Marriott Rewards chatbot was so successful, we decided to replicate the strategy for Starwood Hotels when they were acquired by Marriott. The result is yet another chatbot that delights consumers and sets the standard for automated conversational UX for hospitality.

Available on: 


Click here to chat with Starwood Hotels on Facebook Messenger.


The Under Armour Women Messenger bot collects user properties for each user as they first engage in conversation, identifying their sport(s) of interest. From there, each receives reengagement messages - sport specific content and product information - based on those preferences. The UA bot is the case study for how retail/E-comm conversational UX should be designed. 

Available on: 


Click here to chat with Under Armour Women on Facebook Messenger.


Locate your nearest Simon Mall, find your favorite stores, discover deals and even get gift recommendations all in a chatbot. The Simon Malls chatbot connects to a robust API on the backend to help users stay in the know on all things shopping both through Facebook Messenger and through Alexa.

Available on: 


Click here to chat with Simon Malls on Facebook Messenger.

Click here to enable the Simon Malls Alexa skill.


It was a pleasure working with the editors of one of my favorite food magazines to create a fun, character driven experience on Skype for Saveur Magazine. Through playful dialogue, the Saveur bot sends users weekly notifications to talk about timely food topics: think turkey during Thanksgiving or wild ramps in the Spring. Users can also tap into the robust NLP to ask the bot about recipes or cooking techniques. 

Available on: 


Open Skype to find Saveur and other great chatbots.


Sometimes us guys need a little bit of help finding the perfect jewelry for our loved ones. Thats where the Forevermark chatbot comes in. Answer a few simple questions in a decision tree and get a recommendation for the perfect piece of jewelry. The recommendation algorithm does all of the work on the backend, while the user just clicks to purchase in a web view.

Available on: 


*This chatbot is only activated during gifting holidays.


A daily notification reminding users of some of the best content and important stories in the world of marketing and advertising. Users select topics of interest on first engagement to keep the daily notifications interesting and relevant. This is how user experience for all publishing bots should be designed! 

Available on: 


Click here to chat with Ad Age on Facebook Messenger.

In addition to the experiences described above, I've worked with the following brands to create a best in class strategy for chatbots and voice skills. Reach out to me today if you'd like to discuss how conversational UI could impact your brand.

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